Wednesday 24 September 2014

Kaffir lime plant

I've been looking for this plant over the year and dreaming one day I will grow it. My recent trip to Thailand I managed to get a pack of the kaffir lime seeds. I tried to grow one pack which has about 10 seeds inside. Yes, it is growing but far too slow. While I am waiting for the plants to get growing I also did some researched about it and I has even found a few people are selling them in eBay. I found a nursery in the West Sussex is selling it so I decided to check it out and I bought one home with me. As I said I always dreaming one day I will get the plant even though the cost was a bit too expensive but I just want to buy myself a present. It was £45 for it and I have to keep indoor during winter as its too cold to be outside. I will following up later in spring if the plant still alive or not.

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