Every year on the calendar date from April 13-15, in Thailand
people are celebrate the New Year. We also called Song Kran or for the local
called “Rod Nom Dam Hua”, a traditional way to celebrate with the older. They
are going home to their village, town and provinces to visit their relatives
back home.
The New Near being from 13 April and end on 15 April. We
called this festival “ Songkran which is happening in the hottest month of year
and the dry season. The temperature could reach to 40 C ,because of the heat
has made people throwing water to each other to cool them down. The street will
be full of young people throwing water between them. The truck filled up with
container of water and then people on the truck just throw the water to passing
by as they driving along the road. This is very fun for the young boy mostly.
How ever, people are also take visit and pray respect to the
elder’s family member, friends, neighbour and the monk.
Besides throwing water on the New Year, The people are also
going to visit the temple to pray and give food to the monks.
Some people may have a New Year resolutions, Songkran is a
time to clean and renewal your sprite.
Enjoyed watching these Thai New Year celebration photos! Looking forward to have more interesting posts from you. Well, I just want to attend Food festival that is organized annual at NYC venues but I don’t know much about it. We want to visit NY when this event is being organized. Could you share some information regarding it?